Bulakalougata Vugakoto
About Candidate
I am a motivated and hard work person because of my family.Me and my wife have 3 children, ages 12, 10 and 8. I have had many years of experience in trades like construction projects such as new housing sites,buildings and new dam projects. Me and my wife are planning to build our own house in a suburban area and it’s a long road but we are willing to put in the “Hard Work” and “Commitment ” to achieve it.Vinaka.
Work & Experience
Practical Labour and Building Construction Projects
- "Demolishing" of old government housings - Building new government housings -" Renovating" of damaged government housing - "Rebuilding of houses and facilities damaged during natural disasters in rural and maritime areas".
Grading and packing of imported and exported local foods.
-" Construction of roads, drainage Building slabs, etc"
Construction of building,"Wrought iron making", drainage and etc.
"Clearing/draining of water" on where dam is constructed, placing of new pipes along rod sides,"inspection of repair work", etc